The Health Benefits of Creative Living

Hello Friends!


I hope you are well and getting ready for summertime! I’m ready but praying that the summer is cooler this year. Last summer was stifling hot. 


I look forward to reading, writing, and working on my creative life! 


I’m so happy with my creative life. It’s taking some time to get my ducks in a row. But the good thing is that I’ve started, so I’m thankful for that! What a great feeling to know that I’m living a creative and inspiring life. You can have this happiness too, but being creative can have numerous benefits, other than just happiness.


Let’s dive into a bit more in layman’s terms. 


 On the website of Medical News Today, the author said that creativity can provide improved mental health.


Well, that’s a wonderful benefit. Don’t be afraid to get out there and find what makes your heart sing because you can improve your mental health. Scientists say artistic expressions like drawing and painting can help people cope with trauma. 





In my area of expertise, expressive writing is where participants narrate an event and explain how it affected them. This practice can also help with trauma and managing emotional health.


Researchers in the study say that by bringing a negative situation into their narrative story, the writer can find meaning in events that left them with hurt and pain, such as a health diagnosis or the loss of a loved one.



It’s amazing how artistic expression in activities like drawing, painting, or working with clay can help people cope with trauma too.


Another great point was how a creative life can help with the cognitive issues that occur with memory illnesses, which is an enormous problem in our society today and is expected to continue to grow. So, we must find ways to help our loved ones and families find some happiness amid this difficult diagnosis. 



In this part of the article, researchers found that when older adults participated in activities, crafts, sewing, or woodworking, these creative activities could prevent cognitive decline. Also, these activities could help prevent degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


You know, these are fun activities that can bring you joy, so it’s wonderful to be happy and active, while holding off these horrible diseases. 


Now, with all of the stress and anxiety we have in our world with the pandemic, economic woes, political fighting, and the list goes on and on, we need some kind of relief to help us deal with these issues.



Studies show that creativity has been researched and proven to relieve stress and anxiety. Researchers report that if it’s art, music, or other creative outlets, this expression can decrease feelings of shame, anger, and depression, especially if you’ve been through a traumatic experience.


I’m sure that the researchers are not saying that we have to be artists to benefit from a creative life, but I’ve read that just to listen to music or go to a museum and view the art can provide positive benefits to our brains. 



I love learning about the benefits of having a creative life. It confirms for me that I’m headed in the right direction in my later years! 


How about you? What are your thoughts on living a creative life? Are you open to trying new activities to extend your life and enjoy your later years with better health? Comment below and let’s get a conversation going about this very interesting and important topic to help us all see and experience the benefits of living a creative life.


Here’s the link to the article if you’d like to read more.  (


Well, that’s all for today! I hope you enjoyed this post!


I will talk to you later! Please be kind to someone today. Our world needs more kindness and love!





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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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