Summer 2024: Our White House Visit in Pictures

Hello Friends!


I hope you had a wonderful July! We had our big vacation with excursions to Washington D.C. and New York. Whew! Was it a whirlwind of activity? We saw so many sights and had so much fun!


However, our visit to The White House was a special treat. We received passes to visit through our United States representative by filling out an application request. Our visit exceeded our expectations. Each room that we were able to visit was filled with a historical, elegant  charm.


The White House
First Lady Michelle Obama
President Barack Obama
The library
The Green Room
The Blue Room
The Red Room
President John F. Kennedy
President Ronald Reagan
View from the street

Our visit was truly a treat. Now, we can check this off our bucket list.


Living a creative life with travel and hobbies is the right mix of creating a happy life. I found joy in traveling to Washington D.C., but I also find joy in writing and sharing about the experience.


I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our fabulous house for the people. There was an enormous amount of red tape and security to get into the mansion, but I must say that it was worth every minute.


Until next time, stay creative, friends!


Please check out my videos @Shelly’s Creative Life on YouTube. Here’s the link: Also, follow me on Instagram 



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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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