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Looking Forward to the New Year

Hey Friends! Happy New Year!


Even though there are so many things that could bring me fear and sorrow today, I choose to look on the bright side and be happy. Praying for the things that make me sad, while trying to keep a positive mindset.


Enjoying some time in my sunroom.


I’m so, so excited about the new year! I can feel it in my spirit that this is going to be my year to take my creative life to a whole new level. From my writing– to my travels, to my daily activities, I believe that it’s going to be fabulous!


I have to tell you that it has already started! I stepped out of my comfort zone and contacted a children’s picture book author to help me take my writing and publishing life to another level. She was so kind and helpful, which allowed me to start moving toward my goal immediately! I’m so thankful!


Virtual meeting with children’s picture book author Valerie Thompkins.


I feel my confidence increasing already!


My goal this year is to take my self-published books to another level and publish my third book!


Another goal is to create great videos and grow my YouTube channel! I’m so excited about where it’s all headed!


Editing my YouTube video.


Also, I’m excited about my website! I had it updated, and it looks so good!


These are things related to my creative life, but there are special things, like my spiritual life, family, and health that are priorities too.


I believe that your creative life encompasses all areas of your life because they’re all-important components to make you who you are!


Therefore, I have to include all of the different facets of my life that make me happy and who I am!


And, speaking of who I am! My son and his lovely wife spent their honeymoon in Italy, and after exploring the southern region of the country, they came back through to Mississippi and spent some time with family. 


Amalfi Coast


In addition, once they were settled in for a week of rest and relaxation, my daughter-in-love helped me with a wonderful photo shoot for my creative life. This simple act of kindness made me so happy! Having great photographs that I can use in my creative life is taking it to another level. 




So, the question on the table is—what’s one thing you want to do for your creative life?


Please put in the comments one creative goal that you have for yourself this year and let’s have fun on this journey called life!


Live a creative life and be kind to someone!



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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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