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Daily Prompt: Hardest Personal Goal

What was the hardest personal goal you’ve set for yourself?

My hardest personal goal was to pursue my writing life after I retired from teaching. I could have just sat on the couch and watched TV, but there was such a longing to write and share my words and life with others. So I created a blog, website, and a YouTube Channel. Fast forward to a year now, I’m loving it! I’m looking for a publisher for my nonfiction children’s book.


I’ve self-published two books, so I’m well on my way. I’m thankful that I took that step! Please check out my YouTube Channel @shellyscreativelife. Like and subscribe if you find my content interesting. Thank you! I hope to inspire others to live a creative life too! 🤗

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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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