The Creative Path to Tranquility

Hello friends!


I’m seeking ways to deal with difficult times and calm my mind. How about you? I wrote about this last month, but this topic is still important to me. 


Let’s talk about how creativity can help us navigate through traumatic events. Whether you’re dealing with personal loss, health challenges, or any other form of trauma, embracing creativity can be a powerful tool for healing.


Creativity has been my anchor during tough times, with my dad getting older and dealing with various health issues. The very tough political season created a lot of tension in the world. And now, with an uncertain future in the country, it has made millions of others and me anxious.


However, when I walk into my writing haven, there is nothing but pure joy. It is a cozy, small space that envelopes me in warmth and creativity. I’m at peace in my writing haven, and my creativity knows no bounds. It is so beautiful!


I’m thankful that having a creative outlet can help us during these difficult and uncertain times. 


It allows me to express emotions that are hard to put into words and provides a sense of purpose and joy.


Here are some ways you can use creativity to help you through trauma.


Express Yourself Through Art
Whether painting, drawing, or viewing art, creating and immersing ourselves in art can be therapeutic. It helps us process complex emotions and can be a safe outlet for our feelings. I’m reading a book about how art benefits the brain called Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross.


woman, drawing, watercolor


Write Your Story
Writing is another powerful tool. Journaling or creative writing allows you to explore and release your emotions. You can write poetry, personal narratives, or even fiction. The important thing is to let your thoughts flow freely. Of course, this is my favorite outlet! I love coming into my writing haven and writing away.



Move Your Body
Movement is also essential. Engage in walking, dancing, yoga, or even simple stretches. Physical activity helps release built-up tension and connects you with your body in a positive way. My doctor suggested I walk 30 minutes daily to help with stress and get the health benefits.



Create a Calming Environment

Surround yourself with things that inspire peace and creativity—plants, art, music, or soft lighting. A tranquil space can help soothe your mind and encourage creative exploration. During this time, I’ve found that watching my favorite show helps me, too. Currently, I’m rewatching Netflix’s Virgin River. I love the scenery, the storyline, and the characters.


netflix, watching tv, streaming



Engage in Mindful Activities
Mindful activities like meditation, knitting, or gardening can help you stay present and grounded. These activities allow you to focus on the moment and can be incredibly calming. My husband and I enjoy going to our greenhouse and plucking the green bell peppers or a small cherry tomato off the vines.



Connect with a Creative Community
Connecting with a creative community can provide support and encouragement. Join workshops, classes, or online groups where you can share your journey with others who understand. I enjoyed my online writing class. It was a very encouraging and supportive group.



Allow Imperfection
Remember, creativity is about the process, not perfection. Permit yourself to create without judgment or pressure. Celebrate your small wins and acknowledge your progress. I’m the worst at wanting to be perfect. It can paralyze me and keep me from doing anything. Therefore, in 2025, I want to work on celebrating more small victories and moving forward on my goals and dreams.


girl, woman, mirror


Seek Professional Support
If you need professional support, don’t hesitate to seek help from a therapist who incorporates creative therapies into their practice. Professional guidance can be invaluable in your healing journey. We may need extra help to get through challenging situations during this difficult time.


Creativity can be a beacon of light through difficult times, helping you express, process, and heal. Take it one step at a time, and let your creative spirit guide you.


Thank you for joining me today. If you found this post helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit from it. And remember, living creatively is not just about producing art—it’s about finding joy and sharing it with others. Please take care and be kind to someone today. Our world needs it. Let’s heal together!


Also, I’ve added my books and creative gear to my website. Please check it out!  


Please take care and be kind to someone today! Our world needs it!  


Shelly Dahmer

Author & Creative Entrepreneur

Website | Books | Creative Gear


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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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