Hello Friends!
Welcome summer! What are your summer plans? Are you just trying to stay cool or are you planning some getaways?
Recently, my husband and I went to Iowa to attend our son’s graduation residency ceremony from his internal medicine transitional year. We had a wonderful time with our son and his wife. We exercised and walked by the Iowa River on a beautiful track in Iowa City and explored the Czech Village.

Beautiful mural in Czech Village
Also, they treated us to a beautiful dinner at the Wilson Orchard and Farm Restaurant.

It is such a beautiful thing to see your adult children accomplishing their goals in life.
My son is a doctor-in-training, so he is very much into our exercise and health goals. We are trying to practice healthy habits, so I thought I would share what we and others do to have good health in your creative life over 50.
Here are five tips people over 50 practice to live WELL in their later years.
1. They make health and wellness a priority.
These seniors don’t take their health lightly. They implement regular exercise regimens and have regular medical checkups. And, when the doctor alerts them to issues, they try and be proactive to treat the ailment or find a way to decrease the negative effects on their lives.
2. They are open to trying new adventures.
In midlife, it’s easy to get complacent and feel like your best years are behind you. That’s not true! There are so many new adventures that are waiting to be found by you and other midlifers. You just have to have an open mind and be open to new opportunities. The new adventures don’t have to be anything big, like traveling around the world. But what about just finding new things in your hometown or state? These new finds can sometimes add a bit of joy to your life.
3. They try new hobbies.
The third habit is they try new hobbies and are open to new and exciting adventures. They are not stagnant and want to try new hobbies, such as a local cooking class or a painting class at the city’s community center.
Recently, I started going to water aerobics. This new hobby is so out of my comfort zone, but it was so much fun, and I’m looking forward to going back.

4. They are always learning.
Researching and learning are two of their favorite pastimes, which allow them to hold a conversation with anyone. They love learning, and their knowledge is vast. Reading and learning are so good for your brain. If, for whatever reason, you cannot venture far from home, you can travel with your imagination through books, videos, and podcasts.
With these tools, you can keep your brain young and have an adventure at the same time.

5. They keep a growth mindset in midlife.
These seniors do not see obstacles; they see opportunities!
Now, that’s a positive mindset! I have a 77-year-old friend who has decided that she wants to learn new technology. For her to make this decision at her age, she has to have a growth mindset that allows her to decide to be open to learning new things.
With a bit of tutoring, she used Zoom on her phone for the first time over the weekend, and you should have seen her smile. She felt so accomplished!

This is what truly ignites my enthusiasm! Through living my creative life, I aim to inspire others to do the same. By embracing openness and positivity and being willing to explore new experiences and step outside our comfort zones, we can make our midlife and later years truly amazing.
What do you think of these tips? Do you agree? Why or why not? Do you have your own tips? Please comment and let’s encourage each other to happier, healthier lives!
Well, I will talk to you next time!
Remember, friends stay creative and be kind to someone today because our world needs it!
Please check me out on my social media @shellyscreativelife.