Part II: How to Improve Your Writing

Hello Friends,

In my last blog, I discussed five ways you could improve your writing without writing a word. I shared writer Chandra Beal’s tips from an article that I read in 2000, almost 24 years ago. It was a long time ago, but the information is still relevant today.


In my previous post, I chronicled the first five ways, and if you’re more of a video person on my YouTube channel called Shelly’s Creative Life. Great tips, so let’s get started with the last five ways that you can improve your writing without writing a word.


Tip #6 Continue to learn.



The next way to become a better writer is to learn. She says that talented writers never stop learning. This is so true! I think that is a practice that we should all do in our lives, but for writers, it is very important. As I’ve said before, there are so many online resources available to help you with your writing life. Using these resources will help you grow as a writer.


Also, with social media, you can learn more about writing. There are writers on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, who give amazing tips for writing. Also, YouTube writing videos are an entire class in themselves. Budding writers can find so much help on YouTube. But don’t forget the thousands of online articles and books that are available for you to learn.


Tip #7 Try drawing to increase creativity.



Now, on this next one, don’t laugh. This author says that drawing forces you to use the right side of your brain and think in a freeing fashion. She said to draw whatever you want and allow yourself to exercise your creative muscles in a way that doesn’t need words. She believes that this creativity will carry over into your writing.



Tip #8 Dance more.



This one is my favorite, and I never considered this one for my writing life. But I’m going to remember this one. I love dancing and music, so I can see where this would release good endorphins and allow you to free your mind.


Tip #9 Try Fantasizing and releasing your imagination.



The next way to improve your writing without writing a word is to fantasize and allow your imagination to just be free. Beal says to take a seat in the audience of your mind and enjoy yourself.


Sometimes, I will give myself a creative writing activity, close my eyes, put myself in the scene, and then write about what I see, smell, and hear. Using your senses is an amazing way to write descriptively, so if you close your eyes and allow yourself just to be free, this practice allows the doors of creativity to open.


Tip #10 Just do nothing.



Ms. Beal says the last way is to do nothing. She says doing nothing is not the same as procrastinating. She says it’s essential to take a break from your writing to recharge your batteries, get some perspective, and come back renewed. According to her, it’s beneficial to take a break from your drafts and revisit them with a fresh perspective.


These are all great tips to improve your writing without writing a word. I’d like to thank Chandra Beal for sharing these tips with us many years ago, but they are still relevant today. So, keep finding those writing resources, keep growing as a writer, and live a creative life.


I like to live a creative life by traveling, writing, spending time with family and friends, exercising, reading, and just watching a great movie. It’s so wonderful!


Hey, if you’d like inspiration to live a creative life, please follow my blog.


Well, that’s all for today! I hope you are well!


In the hustle and bustle of life, let’s try to remember to be kind to someone today! Our world needs it!





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Shelly Dahmer

As you get older, research shows that it’s important to learn new things.

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