Hello Friends!
In my last blog, I discussed a new goal of finally completing a manuscript I had worked on for years.

But, you know, for many of those years, I let fear keep me from really focusing on the manuscript. I would focus on it for a while, but then, I would get fearful about the unknown and place it back in the desk drawer and let it gather dust– untouched for months.
Are you there feeling downtrodden that you have not completed that creative project? Do you have a project that you want to try? It’s been in your heart, but you’ve let fear keep you in the doldrums with no motivation.
Well, let me encourage you to take a step. Start small. Maybe, research your creative endeavor, watch some videos, or read some articles or books to help you gain more knowledge about this creative goal that’s going to light up your world if you can ever make that step.
Move forward! I promise you if you just get started, it’s going to make a difference.
I found a mentor to help move me forward. I finally had a manuscript that had received my family’s approval. My picture book is a nonfiction biography.
It’s a story about my husband’s grandfather, a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 60s. Therefore, it was important to have their approval and support.

Now, I have their blessings, my manuscript, and the goal to find a publisher. I’m so excited to share his story of bravery and determination. He wanted every citizen to have the right to vote, and he gave his life for us to have that right. It’s a wonderful story of resilience! It will remind children and adults that with determination you can achieve your goals. He was a man who didn’t let societal norms hold him back. I can’t wait to share his story in my picture book.
I could use some positive thoughts directed my way! I’ll keep you posted on my progress!
Talk to you next time!
Please be kind to someone today!